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The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

In recent decades, concern for insecurity has become relevant and has positioned itself as one of the favourite topics of some politicians.

The Social Progress Index measures the level at which countries meet the social and environmental needs of their citizens. The index goes from 0 to 100 and is constructed with the weighting of a large number of social indicators grouped into three categories.

In the category of Personal Security, the following indicators are analysed: homicide rate, number of violent crimes, perceived crime, political terror and death on highways. According to the Social Progress Index, these are the 10 most dangerous countries in the world.

10 Sudan: 37.25
Since 1983, about 2 million Sudanese have died in civil war and famine.

9 Mexico: 34.61
It is estimated that the war on drugs in Mexico has claimed more than 60,000 lives and 20,000 people have disappeared. In addition, the homicide rate is almost three times higher than the world average.

8 Honduras: 33.94
According to official figures, Honduras has 81 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in the last year.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No. 7 Dominican Republic: 32.90
The Dominican Republic is among the most dangerous countries in the world because of its high crime rates related to drug trafficking.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No. 6 Chad: 31.97
Chad is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and the main danger factor for citizens is the government itself.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No. 5 South Africa: 30.90
500,000 women have raped annually in South Africa, but unfortunately, this index does not take it into account. Even without that spooky data, South Africa ranks as the fifth most dangerous country in the world due to its high homicide rates.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No. 4 African Central Republic: 29.41
Amnesty International has placed the Central African Republic under surveillance due to the finding of permanent attacks on Muslims that could be classified as genocide.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No. 3 Venezuela: 27.55
According to unofficial figures, 200,000 homicides have been committed in Venezuela in the last 15 years.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No. 2 Nigeria: 23.57
The main danger factor for Nigerians is the confrontations between organized crime gangs based on drug trafficking.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

No.1 Iraq: 21.52
According to the Office of Diplomatic Security of the United States, 2013 was the worst year in terms of civilian deaths since the end of the war in 2008.

The 10 most dangerous countries in the world

The 10 countries on this list are characterized not only by the level of criminality in the streets related to drug trafficking and religious wars, but also by their extraordinary levels of domestic violence, poverty, illiteracy and lack of access to services. Health.

Interesting data, do not you think? What do you think?

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